The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, 5000 Nights at the Opera (detail)
Book pages
Dimensions Variable
Installation the Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria
The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, 5000 Nights at the Opera (detail)
Book pages
Dimensions Variable
Installation the Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria

The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, 5000 Nights at the Opera
Book pages
Dimensions Variable
Installation at New York Center for Art and Media Studies

I can't decide if I need a backup plan (detail)
Book pages
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Installation at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN

I can't decide if I need a backup plan (detail)
Book pages
Dimensions variable
Installation at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN
Photo by Jes Shimek

I’ve always been skeptical of Projective Geometry. (detail)
Book pages, map pins
Dimensions variable
Photos by Alex Stewart

Good News for Modern Man, Pythagoras Agrees
Book pages, map pins
Dimensions variable
Installation at the Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria

Irreconcilable Differences, Learning to Play God
Book pages
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Installation at the Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria

Irreconcilable Differences, Learning to Play God (detail)
Book pages
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Installation at the Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria

Linear Statistics lied to me. (detail)
Book pages, map pins
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Installation at Johnson Gallery, Bethel University, St Paul, MN
Photos by Alex Stewart

Linear Statistics lied to me.
Book pages, map pins
Dimensions variable
Installation at Johnson Gallery, Bethel University, St Paul, MN
Photos by Alex Stewart

Sometimes, they’re right (detail)
Book pages, glue
Dimensions variable
Installation at New York Center for Art and Media Studies
Photo by Jessica Kohout

I’m fairly certain the future smells like laserz.
Book pages, map pins
Dimensions variable
Installation at the Thorp Building, Minneapolis, MN
Photo by Alex Stewart